GlamourGals Calling

Eva R., St. Jean Baptiste High School volunteer writes about why she joined GlamourGals and her journey with GG!

Eva R. GlamourGals Calling

I wanted to become a member of GlamourGals because I wanted to bring joy to someone. I had heard that in GlamourGals, we get to speak to isolated elderly people and it made me sad to hear that people did not have the opportunity to have someone to talk to. I liked the thought of having a conversation, pampering/ spa day with someone who would be very happy with having some company. I wanted to join so I can make someone feel loved and cherished. During the GLTI I learned that if my generation tries, we can change the world. I also learned about community love. Finally, I learned about tips when choosing a career to pick. I made thirty handmade cards. and my six year-old nephew, Lucas, wrote two cards. The cards I made were made with much love. I put my sincere feelings. I hope to make someone smile when they receive my cards.


Why GlamourGals looks like such a glamorous experience!


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