
The GG Cover

Check out this 42-page magazine that Lizmarie C. and the Mc Master University chapter created for the seniors in their senior homes!

One exciting activity that we implemented this year was creating our very own GlamourGals McMaster Magazine to give to the seniors!

This magazine entailed a bunch of pages each individually designed by our amazing volunteers on a topic of their choosing. The pages ranged from beauty trends to recipes to romance movies throughout the decades and many many more. When deciding whether or not this was a project we wanted to implement we decided that it would be an awesome way for our volunteers to be working on something for the seniors even though we cannot interact with them directly.

The pages were just recently all submitted and they looked phenomenal! Our team did such a great job on them that we are currently rushing to get the pages put together because we are so excited to see the final product!

I really do think that the seniors will enjoy having these magazines because each page serves as a reminder of the connections that we created, and how important it is to us to stay connected with them! This is something tangible that they cannot forget and that they can hold onto for years to come. At the end of the day, we are just so happy to be able to spend time with the seniors that we wanted to show our appreciation for them during these rather isolating times!


An Inspiring Woman


My 2nd Year with GlamourGals