My 2nd Year with GlamourGals

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Sofia R., a volunteer at Bloomfield High School, shares a piece of advice to new volunteers.

In my first year with GG, I was inspired by the amount of social work the club was involved in. It truly is an organization where we all come together to make seniors smile. I love the message that GG stands for and I love how many different schools have their own GG club. Whether we know it or not, we are all connected through one goal: helping seniors who are otherwise ignored in our society. One piece of advice I would give to a new volunteer is to not be afraid to bring ideas to the table and really make a change in your chapter. GG is such an inviting club and there are so many people who will help you and want to see you succeed. Especially with Covid-19, I saw how GlamourGals will not let anything prevent them from making a senior's day, not even a pandemic. As my second year comes to an end, I can't wait to begin a new chapter with GlamourGals.




Life Lessons