2021 Power Brunch

Jennifer C., a Benjamin N. Cardozo High School volunteer, shares her experience at Power Brunch.

I joined my first GlamourGals Power Brunch today. Many former GG interns, volunteers, and guest speakers gave us speeches about their experience with GG and motivational advice. I definitely learned a lot. The small group session about college essays helped me to have a better understanding of how to elaborate and connect what I've experienced from GG when I apply to college and furthermore. The speech about "Rejection" from Lauren Berger also gave me an important lesson. I'm usually afraid of getting rejected and I often get stressed out about it. However, some tips and the stories shared by other volunteers made me think that I'm not alone in those problems. What most inspired me was that "Rejection doesn't mean never. It just means not right now." This really comforted me and motivated me to keep moving. I'm really thankful that I was able to learn these precious lessons through GG.


GG National Valentine's Day Card Writing


Power Brunch