GlamourGals: Advisor Perspective

Julia Brion, the Advisor of the Danville Area High School Chapter, enjoys witnessing how her volunteers transform through GlamourGals service as well as absorbing the seniors’ wisdom.

My observations of the teens' interactions with the seniors is something I truly look forward to. At the beginning of our visits, volunteers and seniors are sometimes reserved and quiet. Within minutes, the energy and conversations spark and instead of seeing lackluster faces, I see joy and smiles and even laughter. These are the byproducts of true friendship and service to others, and our gals are truly modeling how to lead with compassion.

Miss Dorothy was a new visitor this time. After I spent time talking with her, it was clear that the only physical limitation she had was difficulty hearing. At the end, Dorothy shared with me that she is 95 years old! I quickly told her she was an inspiration to me, since her mind was still so incredibly sharp.

Dorothy said that the advice of her grandmother paved her way:

"We were all meant to work and be active, and when we continue to use those abilities, God will help those who choose to help themselves and others." This was profound generational advice coming from someone who clearly was born in the 1800's. GlamourGals helps bridge the gap of generations with timeless tales of wisdom.


First GG Senior Home Visit: Happiness Transcends


Caroling in Commack