First GG Senior Home Visit: Happiness Transcends

Hiba S. from Rutgers University describes their first GG Senior Home Visit, detailing their heartfelt interaction with a senior and amplifying the resident’s immigrant experience.

I went on my first [senior home] visit for the Rutgers GG Chapter recently, and it was a tremendously heartwarming experience. I arrived feeling slightly nervous at first but remained positive at the possibility of connecting with people from all trades of life. The Rutgers GlamourGals Team is full of the kindest people who exude an air of joy and happiness, which made it easy for me to get involved immediately.

The senior center we went to was filled with bright, energetic women who were excited to get their nails done for the holidays. I sat with a lady named Huda who had immigrated to the United States from Lebanon. She shared feelings of hope and despair she had for her home country. It reminded me of the stories my grandma would tell me when I used to do her makeup. Huda's energy remained jubilant throughout the whole experience, which translated over to my own energy.

This experience reaffirmed my desire to join GlamourGals. I love having the ability to truly listen to others and learn from their experiences. The warmth of being able to make anyone feel beautiful is what brings me ultimate joy.


Advice from Seniors


GlamourGals: Advisor Perspective