GG Power Brunch 2022
Last Saturday, we hosted our Power Brunch event for GG volunteers to connect with alumni and amazing speakers for an hour of networking and inspiration. Briana H., a Thomas A. Edison High School volunteer, highlights her experience attending the event and the wonderful takeaways she will utilize when pursuing her own goals.
To start off, I was extremely grateful for having all those great speakers join us and talk about how GlamourGals had influenced their life! The meeting started off with, Carly Roman, who told us a piece of herself. She talked about her friendship with the seniors in her local senior home and how this led to her pursuing her career (Gerontologist). As other guest speakers talked, they all discussed a few of the many skills they gained from GG: early leadership, confidence, outside of comfort zone, and time management. Every speaker's career differed from each other and that only added to how being a part of this great organization is life changing. One speaker, Nick Sookhoo, said "recognize what you want in your life" and that spoke to me. I have struggled finding what I truly want to do in life and this quote pushed me to start working towards that. Julissa Manzanet said that rejection is redirection and that was a great quote too! Rejection serves as a way for you to continue working harder until you obtain what you want, maybe you'll receive even more! E.B. Armstrong spoke about how to identify what your passion is and she responded by saying "Find where you get your energy" and this was a great way to answer it!
During the interactive part, I got paired up with Emily Babilonia and Samantha Braunstein. Throughout our time together, we discussed how GlamourGals isn't for a specific group of people, more so it's for those who identify with the goal of putting a smile on other's faces. As small as your volunteering experience may seem, it all counts! It may not directly tie in with your career or the job you're applying for but it'll ALWAYS tie in with a skill. That was a quick tip I learned from my leaders and that encouraged me to not undervalue my experience. Emily gave an example of a bullet point about GG for our resume which said "Accommodating seniors needs like dementia, Alzheimer's, etc." This shows one's capability of being able to not only communicate and create intergenerational relationships, but being selfless. We concluded the meeting by thanking our speakers for sharing their knowledge and guiding us!
“With the combination of all the great quotes I heard within the conference, I had a boost of drive within me to start working on my goals. ”