Looking Back On My GG Experience

Emily C., Bay Port High School volunteer, describes how her experiences at GlamourGals now serve as motivation in her life.

I have learned a lot from becoming a GlamourGals volunteer. I joined as a senior in high school so my time in GlamourGals has been short, however, I believe that the short time that I have spent volunteering has made a major impact on me as a person. I will hold the time that I have spent volunteering with GlamourGals close to my heart when I am in college. Just the idea that I have impacted other people's lives in a positive way will continue to push me to help others every day. I loved making cards for the ladies in the senior homes, and I just pictured how the cards that I made impacted them even if it was only for a short period of time, even if it was just a smile that I put on their faces. When I am feeling down and stressed, I can look back on the volunteer hours that I have accumulated in GlamourGals and believe that I have made a difference and that will keep me motivated even on the toughest days. I would like to thank GlamourGals for giving me a chance to volunteer and motivating me to make someone else's day!


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