Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Sophia P., Glen Rock High School Vice President, describes how GlamourGals has taken her out of her comfort zone as a leader and as a community member.

I got my GG start as a freshman. At 14 years old, I was still discovering who I wanted to be, a big part of which was finding ways I could positively impact others. The thing that means the most to me in this world is my family, with my grandmother particularly having been an important figure in my life. When I was little, I loved getting my nails done with her. As I got older, my grandma’s health began to decline. At first, it was physical fragility, but eventually it began to affect her mind and behavior. Nothing is harder than seeing someone you love suffer and lose the ability to do things they once were able to, so I tried to do everything in my power to fight against it. While younger me could not work any medical miracles, I knew I was not powerless. We would do DIY manicures, assemble puzzles, and an array of other activities that would bring a sparkle into her eyes. As I’ve grown older, my value of family has strengthened, as well as my desire to help others live their lives to the fullest. GG has been the perfect way for me to do so. When visiting seniors, I would see flashes of my grandma in the residents.

One of my most impactful experiences during a visit with our seniors happened when one of the residents realized that she was wearing two different socks. Unfortunately, the senior home did not have available personnel to assist her, and it was important to us that she felt comfortable and secure. As a result, another member of my chapter and I decided we needed to take action. We walked the woman back up to her room and helped her untie her shoelaces, and stayed with her until she was alright. Afterwards, we walked back down together and continued on with the typical aspects of our visits, that is, giving makeovers, manicures, and forming relationships through conversation. Through this event, I developed a deeper emotional understanding of the seniors and the frustration they face, which has made me a better volunteer and friend to the seniors. I now am able to empathize with the seniors on a more personal level, learning to act as either a conversation partner or simply a listener, depending on what they want at the moment. I want the seniors to know that I am there to support them, not only externally with the makeovers and manicures, but also on an emotional level; I hope they can see how much I and the rest of my chapter care, and I will do whatever I can to make sure that they know we care about them. Whether it be the woman who beamed when she saw how the blush we applied illuminated her cheeks or the woman who used her cane as a theatrical accessory in addition to a walking tool, I was always inspired and uplifted by the strength of the beautiful women (and sometimes men!) that we came across.

Makeup isn’t necessarily my strong suit, so GG has challenged me to try something new. One of my favorite parts of GG is it has taken me outside of my comfort zone in a way that has not only made me more vocal and present as a leader and mentor for younger volunteers but also allowed me to make a positive impact and form meaningful relationships at the same time. GG has given me a way to work with seniors who are facing many of the same hardships and experiences that I saw my grandma's face. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to take from the relationship that I had with my grandmother to spread that love and care that she gave to me.

The importance of GG became increasingly clear to me when the pandemic hit. Senior isolation and mental health are issues that I have unfortunately encountered on many occasions. I saw my grandma float between different senior homes, rehabilitation facilities, and assisted living communities, so I became familiar with the environments of such places. GG is amazing in the connection it provides between the seniors and high schoolers, which I have experienced to be uniquely mutually beneficial. I love the way the seniors’ faces light up when we visit them, and the jokes they make during makeovers such as “all the men are going to be chasing you at dinner!” still bring a smile to my face when I think about it. Through conversations with the seniors over the years, I’ve heard a lot of stories, some funny, some sad, and some inspiring. Nevertheless, all of them have stuck with me. Whether sharing a story, a compliment, or simply a smile, each man and woman I have come across has moved me with their kindness and wisdom. I hope that, no matter how small, my chapter and I were able to return that impact. GlamourGals truly is so much more than makeovers and manicures. It has been a truly touching experience which I hope to bring to my future community in college as well.


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