GG Gave Me Confidence For My Future Aspirations

Stefanie B., Thomas A. Edison High School Vice President, describes how her volunteering experiences have aided her career aspirations as a future nurse.

GlamourGals has allowed me to give back to a community that I respect and admire. With an aspiration to become a registered nurse, I am learning essential skills related to my career such as empathy, compassion, and commitment through each interaction with a senior and fellow GlamourGals member. I value each minute I spend in the senior home. As a young adult, I felt that connecting with a different age group would be difficult and challenging. Despite having no experience volunteering at a senior home, I was excited and I knew that I could contribute something of my own to create a better community.

Every Friday of my sophomore year, I looked forward to visiting the seniors after school. We often hosted events such as Bingo games in addition to manicures and makeovers. I remember watching the seniors smile out of excitement as we placed the boards on their tables and brought out the prizes. I stood next to one senior and gave her a smile. I assisted her with placing the chips on the board and pointing out the number to place the chip on. “Bingo!” I shouted when I noticed she had filled the whole row. She was so happy to receive her prize, a plush dog! The seniors cheered and clapped for one another as each person scored a bingo.

Another Friday, we celebrated Valentine’s Day by handing out pink balloons and handwritten cards to the seniors at the senior home. We knocked on each door and greeted them with “Happy Valentine’s Day!” while handing them a balloon and card. Many of the seniors thanked us. I felt my heart warmed from my small act of kindness, knowing that something as simple as a balloon and card can brighten up someone’s day. Through sharing laughs and brief conversations, I learned that the seniors are just like me. We enjoy watching television, spending time in nature, creating arts and crafts, and many more. Age does not dictate the connections you are able to make, and I will cherish the memories I spent at Margaret Tietz Nursing Home despite how short or long they were. Each experience is viewed differently by each person. A simple, “Hello, how are you?” can mean a lot more than you may ever know to a senior during an isolated and uncertain time.

When we returned to school from virtual learning, I stepped up to become my chapter’s vice president. I helped organize My Dear Friend card writing meetings for our members along with painting on canvases and making bracelets to send to seniors during this tough time in isolation.

As a leader, I facilitated meetings and encouraged others in my community to become members of GlamourGals. I learned how to stay committed and disciplined, from scheduling meetings at our school to gathering supplies to create arts and crafts for the seniors. I also learned to empathize with others and suggest ideas when members struggled to think about what they should write in their cards. I grew confident and bold during Women’s History Month through sharing stories of influential women over the loudspeaker at my school on behalf of GlamourGals. I have become an independent and assertive young woman in a setting where I was scared to stand up and make myself known.

As a future nurse, I hope to work with the geriatric population and create meaningful relationships with my patients. Thanks to GlamourGals, I now have the confidence to greet senior citizens and start conversations with them. GlamourGals has allowed me to show appreciation to seniors who have built my community and reach out to those facing isolation as we recover from the pandemic. Living in Queens, New York, my community is filled with diversity. Seniors have many stories about their teenage and adult years. I am open to their advice as well as getting to know the contributions they have made to our city, whether they have migrated or were born and raised in New York. It is a humbling experience and one to cherish as we learn about those who paved the road for us to walk on. Acknowledging their existence and importance in our community can remind them of how grateful we are to have them in our lives.

Quarantine was an isolating time for everyone, especially for senior citizens who were in senior homes, and unable to have family visit them. By joining GlamourGals national meetings, I was reminded that there was a community to reach out to. I could be a “friend” through a few heartfelt sentences on a card, through a phone call, or through a Zoom meeting. While my physical presence may not be with them, I can make sure my thoughts are heard. There are many levels of connection, taking an initiative is where it starts. As I wrote each word on my card, I thought of the person on the other end, though I cannot see their face, I know I can still make them smile.


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