Cheyenne’s Epiphany

Cheyenne T. from the Peachtree City Chapter adopted a new outlook on life thanks to a senior’s wisdom.

Before starting GlamourGals, I never truly had real experiences where I sat down with a senior and had conversations about life –  well, besides my grandparents, of course. But, it's something about listening to a stranger's advice that makes it more impactful for me.

As a child, when the adults in my life gave me advice, I would always ignore it. "What are they talking about? I don't need to hear that!," I would always say. My parents and grandparents would always mean well, but my defiant little ears would take in the advice in one ear and out the other.

It wasn't until I went to my first GG event, when I met Charlotte, that the advice my parents and grandparents gave me finally came back and smacked me in the face. She was a small and quiet older lady. She spoke so softly that I found myself constantly asking her to repeat herself.

I engaged in the regular small talk:

"How are you today?"

"What's your favorite color?

"What do you like to do for fun?"

"Do you have any other family?"

To each question I asked, she responded so quietly and timidly.

I then asked, "If you have to give any advice to someone my age, what would it be?"

She got quiet.

I nervously waited for a response. Maybe she didn't hear me? As I was about to repeat the question she said boldly, “Get right with God.

I was shocked. She said it so confidently and clearly that it completely caught me off guard. She continued, “Also, don't worry yourself to death about your future. If you worry about the future, you will never live your present."

What was crazy was the fact that she went back to being this timid and quiet lady as if she didn't say anything to me.

After the event, I went home and thought about her advice. I have been distracted from my faith because I've been so focused on academics and getting into my dream school. I really haven't taken the time for myself to live, relax, or get closer to God.

Recently, I've been putting myself and my faith first. I've been meditating, relaxing, and reading the Bible more – all because a lady that I've never met before told me to. Maybe hearing this advice from a complete stranger was a sign? Maybe this was my wake up call?

One day, I would like to return to Legacy Ridge to personally thank Ms. Charlotte. I think she changed my life for the better, and I'm so glad to have joined GlamourGals, so I can get experiences like this.


Power Brunch 2023


Feeling Lucky