Power Brunch 2023

Nusrat J. a GG volunteer from the Benjamin N. Cardozo High School chapter, shares her experience at this year’s Power Brunch.

Many GG alumni, who were positively affected by their service, came back as mentors to share their experiences with us. They talked about how being a part of GG helped them get a foot in the door and how important these connections were when it came to their current careers. GG had helped all these women by empowering them and giving them a sense of confidence that only got stronger as they progressed through life. We spoke about elevator pitches and goal-setting as they pertained to our futures.

Finally, we were all assigned mentors who were in some way connected to our future careers. My mentor was Jessica who worked at Movable Ink, a tech company, and she had a similar passion for technology the way that I did. We spoke for about an hour, and she provided me with so much wisdom and clarity. She introduced herself and spoke about how she got to where she is today. She recognized the impact GG had on her life and how it led her to her dream job. Jess asked me about my goals, advised me about college applications, and gave me a list of coding boot camps. Jess was incredible to sit down with and speak to. She was so encouraging and intelligent that it was hard not to love her immediately.

Overall, I had such a terrific time and learned so much. I would definitely attend an event like this one again!


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