A Tribute to Elby

Natalie C., a volunteer from the St. Jean Baptiste chapter, shares how a senior boosted her spirits and connected her to her heritage.

On the way to the nursing home, the bad weather made me feel a bit gloomy. When we arrived at the nursing home, it was very empty, which was a little more upsetting. My mood changed in an instant, when I was paired with Elby. Elby was a woman who preferred to speak Spanish and was from Puerto Rico. She told me how delighted she was seeing youth supporting and respecting the seniors. We spoke about her former career and what I wanted to do when I grew up. We both had an interest in medicine. Hers sparked from her son and mine sparked from my mother. She told me about how happy she was seeing my curiosity and how much I wanted to learn. At the end of the session, she asked if she could hug me, and I felt so cheerful. Speaking to her allowed me to feel closer to my Hispanic roots. At the end of the day, she helped me more than I helped her.


Stuyvesant’s First GG Senior Home Visit: A Sweet Treat


Feeling at Home