Feeling at Home

Cameron T., the Public Relations Officer from the Sanford H. Calhoun High School chapter, shares how Elisa and GlamourGals makes her feel cared for and appreciated.

At a recent senior home visit, I experienced something I never thought I would feel again, a grandmother's love.

In the past four years, I have lost both my grandmothers. However, during this visit, I met a wonderful woman named Elisa. As we were having a conversation about growing up and learning new things, Elisa mentioned her birthday. I quickly realized she was born the same day as my late mammar, my grandmother.

After telling her this, she told me that she would be my grandma. We talked for an hour about our lives, her grandsons, and how she would love for me to meet them. When it was time for us to leave, she grabbed my hand and said, “Don’t forget you’re my grandchild now. I’ll always be here if you want to visit and talk.” At that moment, I swore I could cry. These experiences are what make me so glad that I had the opportunity to join this club. GlamourGals is a home for everyone who gets to see the benefits. Thank you Elisa and GlamourGals for making me feel so loved.


A Tribute to Elby


Power Brunch 2023