Wayne Hills High School Chapter’s First GG Senior Home Visit

Julia S., President of Wayne Hills High School Chapter, reflects on how her makeover with Franie reaffirmed her decision to start a chapter and spread the #GGmovement.

Last week, I went to my first GG senior home visit. I was nervous about what the other volunteers were going to think about it. When we first walked in, we all noticed a woman, who was very yellow from Jaundice. I knew that she was the person I wanted to do my first makeover on. Most of the other volunteers were uncomfortable, because as young girls, we have never seen anything like that. As I walked over to her, her face lit up. I asked her what her name was, she said Franie. I applied blush to her cheeks and lipstick to her lips.

After I was done with her makeover, the Activities Coordinator pulled me aside and shared with me something I will remember forever. She told me that Franie was dying, and my heart dropped. She told me what I was doing was such a blessing and how she is going to tell Franie’s family how happy this made her and send them pictures. These words that I received showed me how much of an impact this organization makes on others. I knew right then and there, that starting a chapter of Glamour Gals was one of the best things I have ever done.


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