GlamourGals Leadership Training Institute

Kamila G. from the Bloomfield High School Chapter shares her GLTI experience.

On November 23, 2024, I went to New York for the 22nd Annual GLTI. I had an amazing time and learned so much. It was my first time going, and it was all worth it! When we first arrived at the building, I was definitely feeling the excitement. We all got pink bagels. and then we were all separated into different groups. As I went with my group, it was fun getting to know other volunteers. As I started to get to know the different volunteers, there were also workshops that we needed to do. There were three different workshops; the first one was how to apply makeup (lipstick), the second was building our network, and lastly, knowing the different values that we connect to. We also had different speakers, and one that stood out to me was Andrew Stemmer. He talked about public speaking, which was such amazing advice. I will definitely keep his advice in mind.


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